Title: IRDP To Embark On e-Learning system To Bolster Training quality, Attract Vast Students Enrollment
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By Senior Writer, VALENTINE OFORO THE Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) is contemplating to start rolling out training through...


THE Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) is contemplating to start rolling out training through e- Learning System (ELS), the development which targets to expand the college’s students enrollment scope.

The envisaged digital system will place the state- owned varsity to attract students from more regions, and from outside the country, apart from improving training quality.

In his exclusive interview with 'Goshenipost' at the 48th Edition of the Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair( DIFT 2024), IRDP's Deputy Rector, Academics, Research and Consultancy, Prof. Provident Dimoso said the move is part of concerted efforts by the facility to digitize its training formats.

Having acquired enough budget from the Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET), at least 6bn/, he informed that the college with its headquarters in Dodoma Capital City has already installed cloud - connected facilities in readiness to venture into the constructive training system in the forthcoming academic year.

He was briefing over the achievement attained by the varsity since its inception 45 years ago under the shadow of the Finance Ministry.

" We have already trained our staff professionally to provide training through the digital - based education system," he said.

With the advanced system, he said the students from within and outside the country who wish to join the college will be able to register and undertake various courses offered by the facility while basing on their own destinations, not necessarily attending at the varsity's learning theaters in Dodoma or Mwanza.

" The coming system will create a comfortable opportunity and podium for the civil servants and traders who wish to advance their academic status to study courses of their wishes while continuing with their daily works, as well as businesses," he observed.

" After registering through the tailor - made online portal and being approved, the students will be receiving the relevant course's notes and vital publications, and will be attending live training sessions through their laptops, smart phones and other gadgets, as well as doing their exams," Prof Dimoso added.

To further ensure the system operates successfully, he said the varsity has entered into fruitful cooperations with a number of famous universities abroad, including the Colombia University of USA, and others in Japan, China and Korea.

" Through the training cooperation, there will be a number of exchange programs between teachers and students, this will open prestigious opportunities for our students and trainers to go abroad and acquire more skills and knowledge, " he informed.

He hailed President Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan for injecting the college with enough budget to facilitate implementation of key projects to facelift training and office structures, the move which incorporated construction of modern dormitories.

Talking over IRDP success within 45 years of operation, the Don unveiled that a total of 60,975 students have so far graduated from various courses pertaining to rural development planning.

Established by the Parliamentary Act No. 8 of the 1980, Prof Dimoso said the college is mandated to accomplish three major tasks, including to roll out development planning courses, conduct research and to provide technical (Professional) advice.

“We’re very proud as the majority of the college’s alumni are currently managing high-ranked positions at different levels within the country’s regional administration and local government, central government, as well as international organisation,” he said.

He bragged that the varsity's graduates are very marketable at the employment market because the facility is working to impart them with vital practical knowledge rather than theory, as well as soft skills.

“We have developed a sound curriculum through which students are annually getting at least two consecutive months to attach themselves at different institutions in the public, private sector for practical studies,” he unveiled.

In 1979, IRDP started to roll out its services by offering just one course, the Advanced Diploma in Regional Planning, involving 13 students who were trained by 14 tutors, he expressed.

As part of impressive success, the Don said the college is currently harbours a total of 15,000 students under the two branches, in Dodoma and Mwanza, offering a total of 35 courses that are manned with over 250 professional teachers.

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