Title: Over 100 Public Institutions Under Single Clouds- Connected GovESB System To Fast Track Service Delivery
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By Valentine Oforo, Dodoma A TOTAL of 109 Institutions in the country's public service sector have successfully been connected to the n...

By Valentine Oforo, Dodoma

A TOTAL of 109 Institutions in the country's public service sector have successfully been connected to the newly developed 'Government Enterprises Service Bus' (GovESB), thanks to E- Government Authority (e-Ga).

The useful digital portal system has been tailored to enabling the IT systems at all public institutions to read each other and exchange information.

Moreover, the system which is projected to fast-track and improve services delivery in the public service corridor has been developed by the E- Government Authority (e-GA) in accordance with section 48 (2) of the Internet Government Law no. 10 of 2019, which requires e-GA to establish and operate a system that enables IT systems in the government to communicate and exchange information.

Speaking at a press briefing yesterday in Dodoma Capital City over the development, the Director General (DG) at e-GA, Eng. Benedict Ndomba, expressed that apart from fulfilling the set legal requirements, construction of the GoVESB system was to implement the directives from President Samia Suluhu Hassan.

"President Samia had tasked us, eGA, to construct and introduce a helpful digital system which will ensure IT systems in all public institutions are connected and able to exchange information," he said.

According to him, the clouds- connected system, GovESB system will enable public institutions to share information digitally and safely, the vital development which among others, will reduce duplication of systems in the public institutions.

" The development will also increase operational efficiency, reduce operating costs as well as save time as information will now be available on proper time," he insisted.

He unveiled some the institutions that have so far affiliated with system as the National Identity Authority (NIDA), Business Licensing Agency (BRELLA), National Examinations Council (NECTA), Courts, Police Force, the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), and National Prosecution Office (NPS).

"In the case of the judiciary institutions, the system will help to cement transparency and the equity provision of justice to the public, "he observed.

And the eGA Chief Boss, Eng Ndomba informed that the state-owned authority was continuing with key strategies to ensure all public institutions across the country are connected to the useful portal in order to improve performance of the government.

He insisted that the system has been tailored in an advanced digital manner to help curtailing the longstanding challenges that have been haunting the IT systems at public institutions

Together with that, Eng Ndomba unveiled that e-GA in collaboration with other public institutions including Tanzania RevenueAuthority (TRA), Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) and the Ministry of Finance are designing a Joint Electronic System for Cargo Clearance at customs areas, dubbed Tanzania Electronic Single Window System (TeSWS).

He unveiled that, the TeSWS system is part of the implementation of the government's to improve the business environment in the country (Blueprint).

The TeSWS system allows business stakeholders and shippers to submit only once to the system customs information and shipments entering and leaving the country, as well as those passing through the country to neighboring countries where each relevant stakeholder will see them and work on them in the system" explained.

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