Title: Giraffes in Ruaha hit by unknown disease - SUA
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Ninety per cent of all giraffes inthe country’s biggest national park, Ruaha National Park are affected by a fastspreading and u...

Ninety per cent of all giraffes inthe country’s biggest national park, Ruaha National Park are affected by a fastspreading and unidentified disease, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) hasreported.The report says scientists from the university in collaboration with theTanzania National Park Authority (TANAPA) are striving to control the diseasewhich has already been identified in other national parks in the country includingTarangire.SUA Professor Gerald Msinzo said the disease is bacterial and was first noticedby TANAPA officials who now warn that the giraffes, the country’s animal symbolare in grave danger and immediate concerted action must be taken to control thedisease.He said the disease is characterised by severe weakening of the animal,development of skin rashes that then turn into scars and wounds on their legs. “The disease weakens the giraffes affecting their mobility which in turnaffects their eating and socialising habits,” he explained, noting that theweakness also makes them vulnerable to attacks by predators that they otherwisewere able to fend off.He said samples of the bacteria that cause the disease have been sent tolaboratories at the university and elsewhere for analysis in a bid to identifythe disease and find a cure. “We have already conducted preliminary research on the cause and cure ofthe disease…we are now working on the second phase of the research to find asolution,” Professor Gerald Msinzo said.No information was availed as to whether the disease can cross over specieboundaries and affect other animals, plants or even humans.

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