Title: The Villagers from VILIMA VITATU Village Have Closed the Village Office Until They Get Their Poste Codes
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By: Staff Reporter, Babati Residents of Mfulwang'ombe, of Vilima vitatu Village in Babati District, Manyara Region, have shut down the ...

By: Staff Reporter, Babati

Residents of Mfulwang'ombe, of Vilima vitatu Village in Babati District, Manyara Region, have shut down the Village government Office in protest over not receiving Their post code.

The citizens, who are from Datoga tribes, are protesting the failure of local government to address their resident’ post code for a long time.

Erasto Belela, the former vilima vitatu village chairman, confirmed that 17 households had been relocated to the Mfulwang'ombe area and that the area needed to be taken out of the reserve area.

The village had previously requested that the WMA slightly reduce the reserve area so that the residents could receive post code.

"Now those who opposed the plan are today inciting the people to protest and close the office for their political interests because they are outside the leadership" he said.

Speaking outside the village office that they had closed and prohibited work, Udangwenga Bayayi stated that they had shuttered the office owing to the village government's failure to handle their situation.

She said that earlier they marched to the village office to ask for a solution to their land dispute and then the head of the district, Lazaro Twange, arrived.

"When the district commissioner arrived, he asked us to give him 14 days and he would give us answers, but they are over."

"He has not appeared today, so we have decided to close the office," She explained.

He claimed that after being relocated from the Malamboi neighborhood to Mfulwang'ombe, their whereabouts are still unknown because they haven't been assigned a permanent address.

Khadija Loti has said that the leaders of the Village Government have failed to help them because they have been collaborating with the Burunge WMA leaders to deny their rights.

"We are not leaving the office until we know our fate regarding this land crisis," he told reporters.

Manuu Mandanga and Helena Robert, who were relocated from Malamboi to Mfulwang'ombe, have expressed surprise at the beginning of the reserve's marking of their boundaries.

"We want the Regional Commissioner of Manyara region to hear our cry and come to listen to us" Said Mandanga

The Vilima vitatu Village Executive Officer, Selemani Nkola admitted that the office was closed and explained that the issue is already being worked on by the government.

He mentioned that the District Commissioner's Office will provide information on the situation' resolution right away, as district commissioner Lazaro Twange had promised.

Abubakar Msuya, the Chairman of the Vilima Vitu Village, has declared that the crisis is being handled and that upon taking office, he found that the issue was not with the Village Government.

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