Title: Minister Mohamed Mchengerwa Donates Wheelchairs to Disable People's in Rufiji District
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By Staff Writer MEMBER of Parliament (MP) for Rufiji Constituency, Mr Mohamed Mchengerwa has donated a total of 45 wheel chairs for suppor...

By Staff Writer

MEMBER of Parliament (MP) for Rufiji Constituency, Mr Mohamed Mchengerwa has donated a total of 45 wheel chairs for supporting the disabled in the fast-growing District of Rufiji, mapped in the country’s Coastal Region.

Apart from the wheel chairs, Mr. Mchengerwa who doubles as the Minister of State, President Office, Regional Administration and Local Government also donated other helpful gears towards the disabled members in the District.

Handing over the humanitarian support during an event which go in tandem with special exercise session towards the group, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office (Policy, Parliamentary Affairs and Coordination), Ms. Ummy Nderiananga urged the beneficiaries of the support to make proper use of the useful kits.

The event took place at Ikwiriri Social Hall in Rufiji District, and it was part of a series of events to mark celebrations of memorial of Bibi Titi Mohammed.

The Minister, Ms Nderiananga expressed that the disabled communities across the country was facing myriad challenges.

"These challenges include discrimination, despised, as well as others forms of atrocities," she unveiled.

She hailed Minister Mchengerwa for his time-heart support towards the physical challenged citizens in the District, saying the donated items would play meaningful role to help assist them to participate effectively in different social activities.

Moreover, she added that the Government had decided to conduct special census to identify the number of the disabled in the country, together with the types of their feasical handicaps in order to stand a professional side to roll out key services towards them accordingly.

" I want to assure you that the Sixt Phase Government under leadership of President Dr Samia Suluhu values the disabled communities and it works teeth and nail to improve your welfare," she assured.

She added that the rulling party, Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM)'s Manifesto of 2020- 2025, Article 94 and 95 directs the Government to set up friendly environment to participate effectively in the building of the national.

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