Title: AU Member States Trained On Collection, Distribution Of Reliable Statistics On Health Sector
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By Staff Reporter, Nairobi EFFORTS by the African Union (AU) Member States to compile and provide reliable and actual data, as well as ke...

By Staff Reporter, Nairobi

EFFORTS by the African Union (AU) Member States to compile and provide reliable and actual data, as well as key statistics on the health sector is said to have been playing meaningful role in help ensuring for effective monitoring and evaluation of the UN' set 2063 Agenda on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The development has been unveiled by Dr. Jose Awong Alene, the Senior Statistician at the Department of Economic Affairs of the African Union.

He was speaking at the special training on Ethics, convened in Nairobi, Kenya by attracting the representatives from National Statistics Offices as well as those from Ministries of Health from the AU member countries.

The vital training was organized by the Economic Affairs Commission as the chairman of the technical working group on health indicators under the funding of the strategy for data harmonization in Africa (SHASA2) has organized this training in Nairobi so that we can analyze health indicators for agenda 2063.

"This workshop aims to make available quality statistical information to our leaders, policy makers and other users of statistical data in order to allow better decision making, and ensuring for effective monitoring and evaluation of various even projects," he added.

According to him, the training served as a crucial podium to help improve the performance of the National Institutes of Statistics from the AU member states, Health Ministries, as well as the African Union Institute for Statistics (STATAFRIC).

"We're remaining optimistic that after the training, the AU member states will stand a more professional side to collect and distribute to STATAFRIC actual and reliable data and statistics on their health sectors as required by UN set 2030 and 2063 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda, " Dr Alene insisted.

Dr Alene insisted that the chief objective of the timely workshop was to further providing training to important areas according to the country and to transfer criteria to them on data analysis on health data, but also, to provide and strengthen technical and analytical skills of important points in the analysis of health data for the estimation of health indicators under the work of the framework of health indicators of Africa.

“After completion of this training, it is expected that the AU countries will start treating and controlling health statistics skillfully and will be able to provide accurate health statistics to the African Union Commission through STATAFRIC for analysis and distribution as required by Agenda 2063 and 2030 Agenda SDGs,’he noted.

Similarly, Dr Alene added that improving of AUMS has participated in the implementation of development programs aimed at eradicating infectious and non-infectious diseases, with an eye to reach the emergence and achieve the goals outlined in Agenda 2063 and 2030.

“Dear Participants Before I finish these opening remarks, I want to draw your attention that the main objective of the workshop is to train focal points based on the countries and transfer the benchmarks to them on the data analysis on health data during the following 3 days,” he expressed.

During the presentation, Mr. Sampson Osei, a statistician from the African Peer Review Mechanism and the Secretariat of the African Continent, from South Africa said as part of the African Statistical Harmonization Strategy (SHASA), an expert committee dealing with health, about 80 health indicators were developed for African Union. Platform for Health Statistics and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).

Speaking on their parts, some of the participants, including Mr. David Ngula, Chief Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Ministry of Health in Zambia and Bertha Banda from Malawi expressed to have received key understanding over health statistics throughout the vital training.

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