Title: Tusumuke Trains Zanzibarians on Poultry Farming, Aquaculture
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By Valentine Oforo THE Dodoma-based excelling entrepreneurship group, the TUSUMUKE Youth Entrepreneurship Group (TYEG) have imparted the Zan...

By Valentine Oforo

THE Dodoma-based excelling entrepreneurship group, the TUSUMUKE Youth Entrepreneurship Group (TYEG) have imparted the Zanzibarians with a high skills pertaining to Poultry farming as well as Aquaculture.

A delegate of at least 28 people from Zanzibar (Pemba and Unguja), including two Mayors from Zanzibar, as well as one Member of the Parliament (MP) landed in Tanzania mainland with an eye to acquire the said vital entrepreneurship skills from the said Dodoma-based entrepreneurship group.

The visitors, sailed into the country under the umbrella of the Jumuiya Ya Rafiki Wa Wanawake Na Watoto Zanzibar (RAWWAZA), led by their Chairperson, Tauhida Galoss (MP).

Giving an exclusive interview to this publication, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the TUSUMUKE Youth Entrepreneurship Group (TYEG), Mr. Christopher Dioniz said the Zanzibarians had prior filed application to come in Dodoma Capital City in order to learn the said entrepreneurship skills from our side.

“Actually, we were very delighted to receive request from such esteemed people from Zanzibar who sough we have potential to train them on Poultry farming as well as Aquaculture, and without mincing worlds, we accepted their request,” he expressed.

Landed in Dodoma Capita City, the visitors were received with a ‘patriotic welcome heart’ before started to be trained on the areas of their interests.

“The training took shape on November 11, 2023, whereby we trained them on various areas including hatching of eggs, poultry feed production and construction of chicken cages,” he informed.

Not only that, but the CEO, Mr. Dioniz, expressed that in the side of Aquaculture, they trained the visitors on how best to make fish ponds, how professional to prepare water in the fish ponds before putting the fish fry, production of fish feed as well as the different types of Aquaculture.

“Apart from that, the visitors also got an opportunity to learn a lot about horticulture during the timely one- day training that we offered to them” he detailed.

And he informed, the training’s summit saw a special event tailored for the cerebration of the 3rd years of the President of Zanzibar, the colorful event which was held at the Dodoma’s famous Esperanza.

As part to cement the smooth learning cooperation between the two parties, Mr Dioniz added that they have agreed that come next month of December, the group (TUSUMUKE) will go into the Archipelago of Zanzibar to issue to more similar training to further groups.

“We’re very happy because the core vision of TUSUMUKE is to assist the large groups of people (especially the youth) to cheat the shackles of poverty through engaging into profitable entrepreneurship projects, that why we’re freely offering such trainings,” he expressed.

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