Title: HEET Launches Special Foundation Programme To Assist Female Students Acquiring Science Studies At Various Universities
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By Staff Writer THE Tanzania High Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) Project has launched a tailor -made foundation programme for...

By Staff Writer

THE Tanzania High Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) Project has launched a tailor -made foundation programme for increasing enrollment of more girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects.

The HEET project is a five-year venture worth around $425 million (972bn/-) that aims to strengthen the learning environment and labor market alignment of priority programs, while enhancing the delivery of knowledge to produce graduates who meet the demand and standard of the current and future labor market.

According to the Director of Higher Education in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Dr. Kennedy Hosea, introduction of the foundation will play pivotal role to help increase the number of science experts in the country, being efforts to stimulate economic growth.

He expressed that the foundation programme is a special component which seeks to help the female students who fails to obtain minimum requirements for joining universities through special training at the Open University of Tanzania (OUT).

“Among others, HEET will also work to heighten capacity on gender issues to higher learning institutions including building capacity of gender desks, improving institutions and training of deans and students on key gender issues,as well as sextortions,” Dr Hosea unveiled.

He noted that the vision of the initiative was to raise the number of students joining universities, saying the number was still very low due to numerous challenges.

“Therefore, through HEET, a good number of the female students will be supported to join various universities across the country by supporting them to to get the required criteria needed to join the higher learning institutions ,” he informed.

He challenged the prospective students who will benefit from the launching program to stay focused and studying hard to have their dreams achieved.

Prof Elifas Bisanda, OUT Vice Chancellor hailed the World Bank (WB) for it generous supports in the general development of the university since its inception.

“We’re well prepared to utilise this programme, marketing it for others to benefit, currently over 1000 girls students will benefit from the programme who will later be able to join various universities of their choice,” the Don said.

So far, HEET program has provided funding for over 1000 students for a period of five years to study a special basic programme (pre-entry course) for girls who currently lack qualifications to directly join universities at the undergraduate level.

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