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    The ruling party presidential nominee Dr John Pombe Magufuli carries much expectation from the people of Lake Zone. The pictures...


The ruling party presidential nominee Dr John Pombe Magufuli carries much expectation from the people of Lake Zone. The pictures currently spread on e-media, reports on radio, Television and Newspapers that showcased his reception when introduced as CCM presidential nominee at rallies in Geita speaks a lot probably than words can do in this article. 

July 12, is the day I had received more calls from Geita than I can remember, members of my region had had heard a good news that Dr Magufuli made it through the top 5 to top three. The very interesting part of the news was for him being the only man among those three. Mind you, I am aware of gender issue and a true believer in equality. As for the community I came from, women are still left behind despite the fact that we have female MPs. So for them, Dr Magufuli being in the top three while the two others were women eye marked a green light to the people of Geita that he was the right man for presidency. 

In the nomination meeting in Dodoma, Dr Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, CCM Chairman could not stop cheers and celebration of members from Geita, Mwanza and Shinyanga in spite of the fact that votes were not yet casted. It can also be useful in describing how the presidency of Dr Magufuli meant a lot to the people of Lake Zone.
With all that, the picture you get in mind is regionalism and a new element in Tanzania politics. It’s the begining of a new paradigm of thinking. That development will come to our regions or constituency when we get a president elected from our areas.

I read an article from a political analyst, Julius Mtatiro of Dar es Salaam among other things his analysis revealed the hook up of Lake Zone votes as key to the nomination of Dr Magufuli. In validating his assumption, Mtatiro termed the area as having 5 million people eligible to vote. The highest number than any other zone. After all, the incumbent president was re-elected by 6mil plus, which means, Dr Magufuli was a man CCM can easily endorse in the area with maximum assurance of being accepted among fellow Sukuma especially, after they had axed the heavyweight presidential aspirant. 

It should be noted that, the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania 1977, does not allow biases of any kind. In fact if Dr Magufuli succeeds and I wish him all the best, he will be sworn in as president of the united republic of Tanzania, disregarding which region had contributed a great deal. 

So far, such illusions were seen amongst African countries when Barack Obama was nominated and elected president of USA. Some people tied Mr Obama’s US presidency an opportunity for Africa. To them, US black president with roots in Kenya meant more development Aids. Whatever the case, I can only confirm China has done a great job in terms of investment for Africa as compared to USA during Barack Obama tenure.

Meanwhile, in Africa things are different there is a rising argument that, the current Coast Region especially Bagamoyo district is quite different from the one before Dr Jakaya Kikwete presidency. Indeed it’s logical, we have seen gas projects been diverged to Bagamoyo. On the other hand, a special boat is shunting from the heart of Dar es Salaam to Bagamoyo, don’t mention the road and Bagamoyo harbour project. This confirms, Bagamoyo has been busy this time around than ever before. 

The question remains, do we real need a president elected from our place in order to develop? One of my close friends was very excited with the nomination such that he immediately updated on a Facebook group page that I am one of the members. He said, Dr Magufuli was an opportunity for Lake Zone particularly Gaita region and went on to urge members to support him so we can utilise his presidency for Geita. Isn’t that regionalism? 

May be the subject is still unclear, when we had completed the 2010 general election which saw the re-election of Dr Kikwete, his first speech that addressed the parliament identified that the election processes left the country disunited. Among other things, there were signs of religion hatred, as I am writing crimes associated with religions have increased. 

Regionalism is seemingly to be another disuniting factor that is likely to come after this election.  There is a need to address regionalism before it matures. What happened in the southern region of Lindi and Mtwara two years ago should give us a green light for a need to address it. Unless, we are sure on how we can tackle its impact in years to come.  

Some people may find it rubbish well, but gossips in streets associate regionalism as among the factors led to the axing of the big man from Northern regions. It might be something we take for granted today, yet the fact remain damaging is easier than it take to rebuild. 

The writer of this article is the Managing Director of Southern media solution T. LTD who Lived in Mtwara.Bryceson Mshana.  Mtwara

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