Title: Tanzania Attains Impressive Milestone Within 62 Years Of Independence " : Fomer Prime Minister Malecela
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By Valentine Oforo, Dodoma THE Tanzanian renowned politician, former Prime Minister John Samuel Malecela has said that, contrary to other c...

By Valentine Oforo, Dodoma

THE Tanzanian renowned politician, former Prime Minister John Samuel Malecela has said that, contrary to other countries within the continent, Tanzania has succeeded to achieve a number of applauded milestones since it obtained independence, the waybabk in 1961.

Apart from witnessing a major prosperity on the side of political maturity, freedom of expression and good governance, the country has continued to be awashed with solidarity and unity among the citizens, the situation which has allowed smooth metamorphosis of diverse socioeconomic development, according to the former premier.

Giving a special interview to the press yesterday at his Dodoma-based residence, tailored for airing his views pertaining to celebrations of the 62nd anniversary of the country's independence, Malecela, who has been in the country’s political corridor for years, expressed that most of the countries within the continent that attain their independence along with Tanzania have passed through serious political chaos, and economic melting down, contrary to Tanzania.

"Despite several challenges, today Tanzania stands among countries whose annual economic growth is at a satisfying rate, but also with major improvement in the dispensation of key social services, " he said.

For instance, he expressed that the sixth phase government has so far worked and managed to assure enough distribution and availability of safe water, from urban to rural areas, as well as electricity, health and education services, according to him.

"It is a meaningful economic achievement that the government is currently finalizing works for the installation of Julius Nyerere's Hydropower Dam Project, the mega 6.55trn/- worth facility which has for 100 percent financed by the government, " he said.

He expressed, apart from quenching the country’s electricity demand and pushing for the needed industrial growth, completion of the project will enable the country to sell power to various neighbouring countries.

Dwelling over good governance and ethics, he observed that the county was performing well, saying there were only few leaders, and servants that lacked a spirit of patriotism and ethics in their daily executives.

"It is very impressive to see the way President Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan is working to promote democracy in the country, she is a good leader who is effectively practising representative democracy, she will lead the country to the eagerly-awaited development, " he added.

He added, as the chairperson of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), Dr Samia is playing a great role to promote political maturity within the ruling party, the move which is witnessing the party fulfills all of the party's set Manifesto.

"As we're celebrating 62 solid years of our Independence today, my call to all Tanzanians is that, we must stand together to support President Samia to translate into reality her good economic vision towards this country. This is not time to hold political grudge against each other, but rather, it high time to exercise 'clean politic' with an eye to assure needed development from grassroots across the country, " the former prime minister insisted.

Malecela, who was born 19 April 1934 in Bugiri Dodoma, was the Prime Minister of Tanzania from November 1990 to December 1994. He served as the vice-chairman of the CCM from 1995 to 2007, and a member of the CCM Central Committee to date.

He headed the Tanzanian delegation which participated in the first Tokyo International Conference on African Development in October 1993.

The others post which he handled, and respective years on the brackets include Tanzanian Ambassador to Ethiopia and the OAU (1967), Minister of Foreign Affairs (-1972-1973), Communication and Transport (-1973-1974), Mineral Resources and Agriculture (1975-1975), Minister in the East African Community ( 1975-1976), Regional Commissioner of Iringa - (1980-1984).

Others are Member of the Group of Eminent Persons of the Commonwealth on South African situation ( 1985), Tanzanian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom ( 1989-90), Prime Minister and First Vice President (1990-1994),Vice Chairman of the ruling Party, Chama cha Mapinduzi ( 1995 to 2007) and Member of Parliament for Mtera ( 1990 - 2010).

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