Title: DODOMA City Council Launches Special Campaign To Identify, Assist Special Needs Children
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By Staff Writer DODOMA City Council has launched a special campaign to identify children with special needs in the community so that they ca...

By Staff Writer

DODOMA City Council has launched a special campaign to identify children with special needs in the community so that they can get their right to education and care in accordance with the relevant law.

The helpful humanitarian campaign was launched this week in the Hombolo Bwawani Primary School, located in the Hombolo Ward, some 38 km kilometers from Dodoma Capital City.

Speaking on behalf of the Director of the Dodoma City Council during the launch of the campaign, Issa Kambi, a Special Education Officer in the Dodoma City Council expressed that among others, the ongoing campaign will incorporate a major task of identification of children with special needs in the sense of going to find them in the street and bring them to childcare centers and other units.

And according to him, the vital exercise will be implemented in at least within the Dodoma City Council, including Itega, Salama, Lugala, Mnyakongo, Mtube, Nala, Chigongwe and Mbalawala.

“It is very disconcerting that some of the families with the street children hold a negative notion that these children cannot stand to do anything positive in their life, but in actual fact, the children in this category are human worthy and if given love and assistance that can grow to be prominent people and leaders in this nation,” he said.

He briefed, the campaign will also work out efforts to educate the parents and guardians living with the haplessy children on how positive to live and take good care of the childrens with special needs, added: “ The campaign will start from the family level and later on, the intention is to take the children to the tailor-made centers where they (children) will be treated professionally by the specialised trainers,”

Detailing over the importance of implementation of the timely campaign, one of the concerned Dodoma city residents, Juliana Linus, said that the exercise is important because it is going to provide basic rights to children with special needs within the fast-growing city.

"It is very sad to see some parents are promoting a negative habit of hiding their children with disabilities, the bad tendency which deprives the children of their right to education, health and quality education," said Linus.

The launch of the identification of children with special needs in the Dodoma City Council was attended by the Hombolo Bwawani Primary School Community, which is an integrated school, as well as various public leaders and the citizens in the Hombolo ward.

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