Title: Over 300 Weelchair Bycles Donated to people with Leg disability In Manyara Region by ChemChem Association
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  The District Commissioner (DC) for Babati, Mr Lazaro Twange giving a wheelchair to one of the disability person Director General (DG) of C...


The District Commissioner (DC) for Babati, Mr Lazaro Twange giving a wheelchair to one of the disability person

Director General (DG) of Chemchem Association, Ms.Fabia Bausch speaking to Joirnalists

By Staff Writter, Babati

THE ChemChem Association (CCA) has embarked on a helpful humanitarian exercise for the freely provision of at least 300 wheelchair bicycles to the persons with legs disabilities in the Region of Manyara.

Worth around 45m/-, the timely support donated through the Wheelchair Foundation (WF) gears to help the handiccaped group to be free to take part in diverse economic activities and thus improving their livelihoods.

The Association, ChemChem, is a registered Non-Profit Organization (NGO), located within the Burunge Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in northern Tanzania

Its core mission is to work in partnership with key stakeholders to conserve the Tarangire and Manyara ecosystems while simultaneously empowering local communities.

Speaking during a brief ceremony for the official handover of the vital facilities to the intended beneficiaries, the District Commissioner (DC) for Babati, Mr Lazaro Twange he hailed the Association for their patriotic assistance towards the physical challenged citizens.

He urged the communities residing in Manyara Region to stand at forefront in improving and managing environmental conservation so as to attract more tourists and investors, the development which he sounded optimistic will see the receiving further assistances.

The DC observed that the support communicated a clear message over existence of good and mutual relations between the investor of ChemChem Association and the citizens of the area.

"Apart from support, the investor of ChemChem has always been injecting different supports towards improving service delivery in the education, health as well as the water sector, " he added.

He challenged the citizens in the region, particularly in the Burunge Widlife Management Area to strengthen working tie with the investor in order to further curtailing incidences of illegal poaching, and attracting more investor in the wildlife endowed zone mapped in the northern part of Tanzania.

On her part, the Director General (DG) of Chemchem Association, Ms.Fabia Bausch expressed to have been impressed with the good manner in which the citizens in the area are collaborating well with the reputable Association.

Apart from the generously support, she informed that the Association will continue to issue numerous assistances towards the citizens dwelling in the area.

According to Ms. Bausch, the support will include provision of capitals and entrepreneurship skills to the economic deprived women, but also, to back up efforts on the war against illegal poaching.

" We have also been, and will continue to sponsor the children from the marginalized families to access better education, " she noted.

Enabling the women to participate and benefiting accordingly in the tourism sector is also part and parcel of the Association's interventions, according to her.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries of the donated wheelchairs, Ms. Maria Haido expressed the time-heart appreciation, saying the facilities would help them to venture into profitable economic activities, ever than before.

The Association Manager, Mr.Martin Mng'ongo unveiled during the colorful ceremony that they're envisioning to donate the similar support to the needy citizens in the other part of the country, if all goes well.

Burunge Wildlife Management Area (BWMA) is located in Babati District, Manyara Region along Arusha-Babati-Singida-Dodoma highway, about 120 kilometres from tourist city of Arusha.

The potential area for the country’s wildlife and tourism activities have been experiencing bad spate of illegal poaching, especially towards the giraffes.


In 2009, the Kwakuchinja corridor, which connects Tarangire National Park with Lake Manyara National Park, was declared extinct in a study report by the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI).

Similarly, the Burunge WMA was depleted of wildlife. Within 12 years, CCA’s efforts in collaboration with the Tanzanian government to monitor the corridor have contributed to the restoration of wildlife to the area.

Thousands of wild animals including elephants, buffaloes, lions and giraffes are now migrating freely through the corridor.

The ultimate goal of CCA is to fully rehabilitate and conserve the Kwakuchinja Corridor, ensuring the preservation of the link between the two national parks and protecting the ecosystem.

However, illegal activities continue to be a major problem in the Kwakuchinja corridor: poaching, logging for charcoal, overgrazing, and roadkill still remain as major threats.

CCA supports the joint anti-poaching team of 38 male and female rangers to ensure effective patrol and wildlife protection.

Through the SMART data collection system, CCA’s patrol team records accurate and reliable data of wildlife movements and incidents to crack down on illegal activities in the Kwakuchinja corridor with the aim of strengthening the operationalization of the corridor. In collaboration with the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI), CCA monitors wildlife movements and connectivity in the Burunge WMA.


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