Title: Minerals Ministry For Youth, Women Inclusiveness In The Sector
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By Valentine Oforo THE Ministry of Minerals has expressed that it currently working out diverse strategies to widen the participation of lo...

By Valentine Oforo

THE Ministry of Minerals has expressed that it currently working out diverse strategies to widen the participation of local citizens in the vital economic sector, especially the youth and women from across the country

Together with that, according to Minerals Minister, Mr. Anthony Mavunde, the robust development also gears to heighten performance and productivity in the sector to ultimately enabling it to contribute highly in the country’s Gross domestic product (GDP).

The Minister unveiled the crucial plan for the metamorphosis of the sector when leading a special meeting of the ministry’s executives, heads of the public institutions under his ministry.

Minister Mavunde has decided to introduced the key meeting, to convene at each end of month with an eye to elevate performance of the ministry.

The meeting was tailored to discuss over the implementation of various projects and set strategies within the ministry, to receive information over the progression of key issues pertaining to development of the sector, as well as setting viable mechanism to help solving the challenges that upsetting the mineral sector.

Speaking during the meeting, Minister Mavude unveiled key plan by the ministry to embark on implementation of a special project to help the youth, women and the universities’ graduates to take part and benefiting from the numerous economic opportunities that the mineral sector offers.

Dubbed ‘Mining for Brighter Tomorrow –MBT’ the envisaged program will venture into viable measures to assist and attract the said group to realize and tap the prestigious opportunities in the sector.

For his side, speaking during the meeting, the Permanent Secretary (PS) in the ministry of minerals, Mr. Kheri Mahimbali said introduction of the months internal meeting will play pivotal role in creating a sensitive podium for the ministry's executives from different Departments and Institutions to share helpful inputs and working experience for the betterment of the sector.

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