Title: Jafo Happy With NEMC’s Supervision Of Environment At JNHPP Project Implementation Site
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By Valentine Oforo THE Minister of State Office of the Vice President (Union and Environment) Selemani Jafo has expressed to have been impr...

By Valentine Oforo

THE Minister of State Office of the Vice President (Union and Environment) Selemani Jafo has expressed to have been impressed with the professional manner to which the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) is making a close supervision and reinforcement of the Environmental Act at the ongoing construction of the Julius Nyerere Hydroelectric Power Plant (JNHPP) Project.

Minister Jafo expressed his appreciation yesterday during his special tour of the country’s mega power project in the Rufiji River in eastern Tanzania.

He made the tour for the purpose of inspecting the progress of the project as well as the manner to which NEMC is working to ensure the implementation of the project does not pollute the surrounding environment.

“This is a huge project which involves more than 12,000 people on the site and due to its nature it automatically produces different forms of waste. I have been impressed with the decision by NEMC to set up a permanent camp here in order to ensure the Environmental Management Act is effectively observed,” he said.

Together with that, minister Jafo spoke over the to ensure for the effective conservation of water sources at the Kilombero and Ruaha rivers, added that the ongoing project was vital in helping the country to cheat a spate of power outages.

“Apart from increasing the availability of electricity supply, completion of this project is projected to play a major role to combat floods, improving irrigation agriculture as well as reducing use of charcoal and firewood among the citizens,” he observed.

Giving further advantages of the project, he said the initiative will increase the availability of water and unlock a prestigious opportunity for the country to embark on water tourism.

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