Title: Check How National Institute of Transport Brings Mwalimu Nyerere’s Dreams to Reality
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By Staff Writer ONE among the ambitious vision of the Founder of the Nation, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, was Tanzania to have the tail...

By Staff Writer

ONE among the ambitious vision of the Founder of the Nation, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, was Tanzania to have the tailor made facility for rolling out vital training on transportation and logistics

The establishment of the country’s famous National Institute of Transport (NIT) was a brainchild of such determined visions by Mwalimu Nyerere, among others.

As the country currently prepares to mark commemoration of the life of Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, in October 14, the Dar es Salaam-based Institute has something special to cerebrate and cherish about.

Mwalimu JK Nyerere who was the first Prime Minister of independent Tanganyika (1961) and first President of the United Republic of Tanzania, his vision for the NIT was to see the Institute strengthening human resource capabilities of transport operatives.

NIT Rector, Professor Zacharia Mganilwa expressed that Mwalimu Nyerere founded the National Institute of Transport in 1975 with the patriotic spirit and vision to improve and standardize the key sector which plays pivotal role for the metamorphosis of the country’s socioeconomic sector.

Upon its inception, according to him, the facility formerly known as the National Transport Corporation (NTC) was charged with the responsibility to strengthening human resource capabilities of transport operatives and middle level managers of subsidiary companies of NTC.

These subsidiary companies in question were the National Bus Services Limited (KAMATA), Usafiri Dar-as-Salaam Limited (UDA), Regional Transport Companies (RETCOs), to mention but a few.

“After the collapse of East African Community (EAC) in 1977, Kenya remained with Bandari College in Mombasa and Railway College in Nairobi and Uganda was with Aviation College, Tanzania was only with a statistical training centre. And during that time, Tanzania was in an industrial economy and Mwalimu Nyerere tasked NIT to produce more professionals to administer transport sector. ”

Professor Mganilwa pointed out that in 1982, it was realized that there was need to have an Institute that will cover all modes of transport and the Institute expanded its area of activities and responsibilities.

“As a result, NIT was re–established through NIT Act No. 24 of 1982 as an autonomous Higher Learning Institution under the then Ministry of Communications and Works. It came into operation on 1st July, 1983 through the Government Notice No. 91. Currently, the Institute is under the Ministry of Transport. With legal status and the Governing Council was given a mandate to govern and administer the Institute.”

However, the sixth phase the government under President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan has continued to support the NIT in ensuring that all programs founded by Mwalimu JK Nyerere for the Institute are successful implemented as planned.

Government has invested a lot in improving the transport sector including construction of roads, modern railway, ship construction and purchasing of aircrafts.

“Developments made under the six phase government are pushing our Institute to increase students intake and introduce new disciplines such as aviation engineering, pilot and cabin crew training,” he said.

He pointed out that in order to support growth as stipulated in the government’s five year development plan and Vision 2025, there has been notable progress in the transport industry with new modes such as gas and oil pipelines.

He underscored that the government has continued empowering the National Institute of Transport to enable them to meet its obligation of preparing experts in the transport sector for Nation’s development.

Meanwhile, the election manifesto of ruling CCM-2020- 2025 directs the government to continue supporting the National Institute of Transport so as to enable it provide more experts in the transport sector.

On implementing their obligations, the NIT management under the support from the state has managed to improve the teaching infrastructures and environment as stated in the Institute’s National Vision of year 2025.

He said NIT will continue to extend the scope of training according to the demand in transport sectors namely roads, railway, air and marine.

Professor Mganilwa thanked the six phase government for endorsing a budget that enables the NIT to improve the teaching environment.

“These developments made under six phase government necessitate that the National Institute of Transport train and produce more highly qualified and competent people to cater for all modes of transport including road, railway, maritime, air and pipeline,” he said.

In supporting the NIT, the government has inaugurated two single-engine aircraft, Cessna Skyhawk 172 to the National Institute of Transport (NIT) in its ambitious plan to start offering courses for pilots locally

He pointed out that the NIT staff are obliged to work continuously in increasing the quality assurance of the Institute and introducing the contemporary teaching methods and research.

National Institute of Transport is the only such training Institute in Sub- Saharan excluding South Africa, mandated by the Government of United Republic of Tanzania to offer training in transport and communications.

The Institute is fully accredited with the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) to provide Competence Based Education and Training (CBET) programmes at the level of Certificate, Diploma and Degree (National Technical Awards -NTA level 4 to level 8).

It is also accredited with the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT International) to teach and examine CILT programmes of International Introductory Certificates, International Certificates, Ordinary Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Logistics and Transport.

In addition to that, the Institute collaborates with the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) and International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Consult (IPSCMC) to offer MBA in Logistics and Transport Management and Postgraduate Diploma in Procurement and Supply Chain Management respectively.

The Institute offers programmes in Logistics and Transport Management, Freight Clearing and Forwarding, Procurement and Logistics Management, Automobile Engineering, Business Administration, Computing Information Communication Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Aviation Studies and Human Resources Management.

NIT also is offering Post Graduate Diplomas in Air Transport Management, Logistics and Transport Management, Travel and Tourism, Shipping and Port Management, Procurement and Logistics Management, Rail Transport Management, Transport Economics, Road Transport Safety Management and Transport Engineering Management. NIT also offers short term programmes and provides Research, Consultancy and Community Services.

The Institute has highly skilled personnel both academic and administrative staff. It also has modern machines and equipments for teaching, research and consultancy services. The equipments like modern Vehicle Inspection machines which are only at NIT (Tanzania).

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